Anne Byrne is an expert when it comes to food history! She digs deep into archives, newspapers, and cookbooks to find out the real stories behind our favorite cakes and cookies. Click the photo above to learn more about America’s historical fascination with cake!
If you aren’t already on the chickpea bandwagon, it’s not to late to join the party! Chickpeas have been a central part of cuisines around the world, and there’s a big reason you’re beginning to see them pop up in all sorts of American products these days!
MyRecipes is working with Let's Move!, the Partnership for a Healthier America, and USDA's MyPlate to give anyone looking for healthier options access to a trove of recipes that will help them create healthy, tasty plates. For the complete recipe read here.
Jamie Oliver posted another knock-out recipe and I couldn’t not repost it for you! I love the addition of fried black beans, they’re a perfect addition of texture to the guacamole!