
Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Home & Family, Meat, Snack

Beef Jerky

Drying is one of the oldest and most common forms of food preservation. Canning technology is less than 200 years old, and freezing is even more recent (less than 100 years old for households), but drying technology is simple and affordable for nearly any one in the world, which is why jerky can be found around the globe.


Expiration Dates

Expiration dates are not actually tied to food safety at all, though that is how we think of them. Instead, they’re chosen by the manufacturer to indicate the date at which optimal flavor has passed. But that doesn’t mean your food is unsafe to eat. Here's the full breakdown on how it all works!


Use the Best Oil

There are many vegetable fats to consider when we walk down the grocery aisle these days. Do we cook with olive oil or should we use canola? What’s the difference between sunflower and safflower? Though these are all produced from various plants, they differ considerably in their application once we step into a kitchen


Home & Family: New Year Fortune Foods

As the new year dawns it might be best to consume a few lucky foods (whether or not you believe in that sort of stuff). Collard greens, marzipan pigs, and pickled herring all play a part in international traditions, learn how!

Breakfast, Home & Family, Dinner Party Theater, Read


Pick up any carton of eggs today and you are bombarded with language meant to obfuscate the truth. Free Range one carton exclaims, while another touts Cage Free! What's the difference? Here's a handy list that will help you interpret the marketing on egg cartons across the country.