

Expiration Dates

Expiration dates are not actually tied to food safety at all, though that is how we think of them. Instead, they’re chosen by the manufacturer to indicate the date at which optimal flavor has passed. But that doesn’t mean your food is unsafe to eat. Here's the full breakdown on how it all works!

Home & Family, Video

Home & Family: Oil Explanation

Cooking oils vary not only in flavor, but also in practicality. There isn't one oil that's best for every job in the kitchen, so you may as well familiarize yourself with the options! From frying to baking and everything in between, here are the best choices.


Home & Family: New Year Fortune Foods

As the new year dawns it might be best to consume a few lucky foods (whether or not you believe in that sort of stuff). Collard greens, marzipan pigs, and pickled herring all play a part in international traditions, learn how!


New Year Fortune Food

Let’s start the new year on good footing, yes? For centuries we’ve found fortune and favor in the foods we eat, interpreting shapes, and colors to portend success and harmony. Many countries, and indeed, cities, have their own traditions and today I will investigate three of my favorite

Drink, Read


Though champagne can be consumed year round, most of us turn to the bubbly stuff when December pushes its last seconds through the hourglass. As I pour myself a cold flute of the golden liquid my mind turns to the more technical aspects of this spectacular drink. It’s time to investigate the physics of champagne!

Breakfast, Home & Family, Dinner Party Theater, Read


Pick up any carton of eggs today and you are bombarded with language meant to obfuscate the truth. Free Range one carton exclaims, while another touts Cage Free! What's the difference? Here's a handy list that will help you interpret the marketing on egg cartons across the country.

    Dairy Free, Dinner, Breakfast, Fall, Drink, Read, Winter

    Bone Broth 101

    You’ve certainly heard chefs say loudly, “Make your own stock, it’s better than anything you can buy.” And they aren’t wrong. But if you’ve been holding off because you think it’s too labor-intensive, then now is the time to tune in and pay attention. Making stock (or bone broth if you insist on pop-culture terminology) is easy and you should start today. 

    Home & Family, Video

    Home & Family: Candy Cane Cycle

    Today on Home & Family I set out to work with hot sugar on live television. It was a train wreck! Thankfully we had 90 seconds at the end of the show in which I redeemed myself and worked quickly with hot sugar. You know you love a disaster, watch these clips!